Tatramat Quasar a.s. is a production company of TATRAMAT, akciová spoločnosť, Poprad with its 100 % ownership interest. This engineering company has more than 160 years of tradition and experience.
The foundry plant started with the production of components by pressure casting from aluminium and zinc alloys in 1973 for the production of automatic washing machines. Currently, the main program is the production of aluminium-alloy castings by pressure casting for international white goods manufacturers, engineering and electrotechnical companies. The company is a holder of the ISO 9001:2008 quality certificate.
It has seven automated pressure casting machines with the clamping force of 320 to 1000 tons. Of course, there is also the treatment of aluminium castings by means of modern CNC machines according to customer requirements. The company owns its own vibrating machinery.
Registered office:
Tatramat Quasar, a.s.
Hlavná 51
059 51 Poprad-Matejovce
Slovak Republic
Phone: +421 52 7127 300
E-mail: tq@tq.sk, info@tq.sk