A modern company with 170 years of experience in the field of machine industry in the High Tatras.
To increase the competitiveness of our subsidiaries by investing in modern technologies, workplace automation and human capital and to supply international clients with components in the required quantity, quality and time.
- 1990Tatramat, n.p., became a joint stock company. A joint venture, WHIRLPOOL TATRAMAT, producing automatic washing machines and white goods was established. In 1992, another subsidiary, a joint venture, TATRAMAT QUASAR, specializing in the production of tools, spare parts, castings and vending machines for hot and cold drinks, started its operation. The parent company, TATRAMAT, a.s., completely renewed the technology of production of electric water heaters. In the late 1990s, a joint-venture company, SCAMETATRA, a.s., for pressing plastic parts for automatic washing machines was founded.
- 2001STD, a.s., a joint venture with an Italian partner, oriented at the production of expanded polystyrene packages for consumer and food industry packaging was developed.
The opening of the European market and high competition in 2004 created conditions for the sale of TATRAMAT – water heaters, s.r.o. to the significant German group, STIEBEL ELTRON GRUPPE. In 2008, the Prior department store in Banská Bystrica was acquired and the Prior POPRAD department store in Poprad was completely reconstructed. - 2017A joint venture of Expandtech, a.s. focusing on the production of expanded polypropylene components for automobile industry was established.
TATRAMAT, akciová spoločnosť, Hlavná 1416/28, Poprad, offers accommodation in facilities on Lidická 1667 in Poprad – Matejovce in modern single or double rooms with a separate bathroom.
The offer is only available for persons who are employed (i.e. not only in TATRAMAT a.s.).
Contact: Ing. Mária Meľuchová, phone.: 052 / 7127 119
E-mail: Maria.Meluchova@tatramatas.sk
TATRAMAT, akciová spoločnosť
ul. Hlavná 1416/28
058 01 Poprad
tel: +421 (0)52 7730 491, +421 (0)52 7127 109
e-mail: sekretariat@tatramatas.sk
IČO: 00152421
Joint-stock company
Capital: 12 101 074 EUR
Paid up: 12 101 074 EUR
The Company is registered in the Commercial Registry of District Court Prešov, odd.: Sa, vložka č.: 9/P
Board of directors:
Ing. Ján Miško
JUDr. Pavol Ovšonka
Ing. Martin Kozler
Supervisory Board
Bc. Ján Bachleda
Ing. Miriam Mišková
Mgr. Simona Glavašová
Milena Kozlerová